Gone with the Week

Hello again! I’ve been MIA the past couple weeks on the blog because last week was spring break and this week was the crazy busy week post-spring break where professors realize they only have half a semester left to assign every project known to man. I hope to do a recap soon of my spring […]

Glo Run 5K

Last weekend, I participated in a local 5k run. The run was in support of a women and children’s safety home and took place at night, hence the name “Glo Run, Light up the Streets.” My friend and I signed up and planned on training a little but with the craziness of this semester, we […]


Eating Lately: I won a two pound bag of chia seeds from a Facebook giveaway from Chelsey and could not wait for them to come in  the mail. The first thing I put them on was an oatmeal pancake topped with greek yogurt, strawberries, chia seeds, and maple syrup (put on after photo).  Yum Yum….my […]

Oatmeal Overview

Remember how I told you I was going to learn to like oatmeal? Well, after many experiments I think I will finally be able to incorporate it in my daily diet. [In no specific order, just the order that I ate them.] Banana Oatmeal The verdict? Not my favorite. I discovered I cannot do hot bananas. […]

Tropical Smoothie

I was so excited for spring break that the first thing I made was a celebratory smoothie! Nothing like a good dose of Vitamin C to start the break off right. I’ve been a bit “under the weather” lately, but I’m not really sure what with. I haven’t had any cold or flu symptoms but […]

Overnight Oats in a Jar

I know, I know, pretty much every blogger has their different version of overnight oats in a jar [OIAJ]. But, you have yet to see the best. one. ever! (Okay, that’s probably a lie…I have seen some pretty stellar versions.) Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats  1/3 cup oats 1/3 cup yogurt (plain, or sweetened) 1/3 cup milk […]